
Menampilkan postingan dari 2017


Ha’u tau ha’u nia kbiit iha ha’u Liman- No la’o hasoru mundu Kbiit ne’e- la boot liu hanesan David nian Maibe ha’u-  brani liu dala rua Ha’u tuda ha’u nia fatuk musan - maibe ha’u-an rasik mak monu-tuun mesa-mesak Karik Gólias- mak boot liu- eh ha’u an rasik- mak kiik liu? Tradusaun livre husi Poema Inglés ‘I Took My Power in My Hand’ husi Emily Dickinson (1830-86)

Posting Facebook konaba Feto-Foun: Konlisensa Ha’u nia Banin-Feto Futuru (Parte 1)

Konlisensa, Ha’u nia Banin-feto Futuru Uluk nanain, ho respeitu ha’u hakarak kumprimenta lai itaboot, feto ida ne’ebé sai ona inan ba ha’u nia doben. Nia mane ida ne’ebe hau hahu hadomi ona ikus ne’e. Husu boot nia mak sei sai ha’u nia noivu no ha’u nia laen futuru. Ha’u hein katak, wainhira itaboot lee karta ida ne’e,   itaboot hela ho diak de’it no susar labele kona tan   loron ohin ne’e furak tebes.  Tuir mai, ha’u hakarak hato’o tansa ha’u hakerek karta nakloken ida ne’e ba itaboot.  Iha loron hirak liuba, wainhira ha’u ba hemu kafee iha kantina ida besik ami nia serbisu fatin, ha’u hetan grupu feto-maluk balun ne’ebe mos tuur halimar iha ne’eba no dadalia ho kontente no hamnasa hahaek. Ne’e normal akontese iha kantina ida ne’e. Maibe momentu balun afoin sira tuur ha’u rona sira ida halekar posting status ida iha Facebook hodi lee ho lian makaas ho liafuan sira tuir mai: “Ai pah, atu sai feto foun mak mosu mai tuur transa ain de’...

The Sky of Tonight is Gloomy

Beloved… Look up to the sky That sky of tonight is gloomy No stars… no moon Only darkness wraps the heart That trembles of longing for you so much Do you also feel it? Beloved… The seat beside me is empty As it waits for your shadow to fill in Together, we would face the coldness of the night’s wind We would be talking again About all those unfinished feelings We would be witnessing again How the tremor of this longing had shaken us We would be unifying the tremble of our hearts   Into a most solid and tightest embrace We would be sharing the magnificence together for tonight In a sweetest kiss ever You and me, together we would be wrapping our souls with this warmth You and me, together we would be looking up to this night’s gloomy sky But… How can all this happen if you do not come along? Beloved… The sky of tonight is gloomy So does my heart. VZ, Lospalos, January 3 rd , 2017. Obra ne'e tradusaun versaun Ing...

Feto no Lideransa: Wainhira Feto Ida Sai Lider

“As women, we must stand up for ourselves. We must stand up for each other. We must stand up for justice for all.” – Michelle Obama Sa mak ita no  ema barak hanoin kona wainhira rona no hare'e feto ida sai lider ka ema-boot? Konserteza sei iha responde no komentariu oioin ba hahusuk ida ne'e. Desde tempu antigu to'o tempu modernu ohin loron nian, iha ona figura lideransa feto barak ne'ebe naran boot iha mundu hanesan Cleopatra, Hatsheptshut, Rainha Elizabeth, Benazir Butho, Angela Merkel, Margaret Tatcher, Indira Gandhi, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo no sira seluk tan ne'ebe marka ona sira nia an ba mundu katak feto iha kapasidade atu kaer lideransa ida. Lideransa iha kontestu ida ne'e refere ba area oioin hanesan politika, sosial, relijiaun, negosiu no selu-seluk tan. Koalia konaba lideransa, iha stigma jeral ida husi sosiedade hodi hanoin katak so mane de'it mak bele kaer lideransa. Stetmentu afirmativa ida ne'e afinal sai ona fallasia (hanoin la-lo...

Haas Budu Nia Saboor

      Haas-budu, haas mangal be ema ko’a ba pedasuk mihis hodi budu ho masin no aimanas be ledu rahun uut didiak. Loron ida ami hasoru malu iha tasi-ibun Cristo Rei iha Metiaut ne’eba. Ha’u tuur hela hateke tasi nia laloran furak wainhira has-budu ne’e hateke mai ha’u husi balde laran.   ‘O gosta tasi ka?’ Haas-budu ne’e husu no ha’u hakfodak hateke ba mai hanoin katak se mak hasee ha’u.   ‘O bele koalia?’ Ha’u husu fali ba nia ho oin supreza.   ‘Sim. Ha’u bele koalia se o fiar katak ha’u bele koalia.’ Haas-budu hataan mai ha’u. Ha’u doko ulun la komprende.   ‘Entaun, o gosta tasi ka?’ Ha’u hateke has-budu no soe matan ba fali tasi ibun . Labarik kiik-oan balun hariis tasi ho kontente.    ‘Sim. O bele dehan nune’e se o fiar katak ha’u gosta tasi.’ Ha’u hataan ba has-budu. ‘Ha’u fiar o gosta tasi.’ Haas-budu hataan.    ‘Tansa o dehan nune’e?’   ‘Tan o hateke metin loos ba tasi-ibun hanesan...