O Nia Mundu Foun


O sei mai fali nudar buat seluk ida, 
                                           nune'e monge sira hateten,
                                           maibe o  lakohi atu hatene ida-ne'e, 
                                           tan ne'e o hanoin, OK, sá diak mak ne’e
                                           Husi janela liur
                                           o nafatin hare'e manu-liin sira---
                                           Diak, karik ne'e manu-liin be hanesan 
                                           mak fila ba fila mai
                                           ho ninia kazaku sinzentu, 
                                           ninia xapeu be kiik-oan kor-kafé.
                                           Dalaruma mos ne'e tiu Jerry. 
                                           Nia mos la'o lais ba dadaun. 
                                           Ne'e tempu primavera hela: Budda fatuk 
                                           ho loro-matan nabilan iha kabaas ida, 
                                           neve iha kabaas ida seluk. 
                                           Ema sira soe hela osan-besi ba ninia ain. 
                                           Ba bebé ida, buat hotu mesak buat foun, 
                                           dala ida-idak mak dala uluk---
                                           nia namlele iha laran-husu, doutór hateten
                                          --enkuantu o sidi hela de'it ba o-nia telfone. 
                                           Ba ne'ebé mak o nia mundu foun ne'e atu ba? 
                                           Monge ne'e hateten ka o mak hateten. 
                                          Atu oinsá mos, o sente aat 
                                          sira tenke tesi tuun tiha ai Carvalho tuan ne'e
                                          maibe ninia kabelak resin ne'e 
                                          mak fatin furak atu hodi tuur.

- Tradusaun livre husi obra poema Matthew Thorburn, Poeta Amerikanu kontemporáriu husi Michigan, EUA. Nia obra mak koleksaun poema Subject to Change, Self-Portrait in Secondhand Tuxedo, Little Thieves, Dear Almost: A Poem, no obra sira seluk tan ne'ebé sei mai. Nia obra ida-ne'e selesionadu iha jornál literária Nova  Iorke The Southern Review enkuantu nia rasik hetan ona prémiu literáriu oioin. 

(Versaun  Original iha Ingles)

Your New World

You'll come back as something else,
the monk says, but you won't
know it, and you think, OK,
what good is that? Out the window
you keep seeing birds—well, maybe
it's the same bird over and over
in his gray coat, his little brown cap.
Could be Uncle Jerry. He zips away.
It's spring: the stone Buddha
with bright sun on one shoulder,

snow on the other. People leave
coins by his feet. To a baby, everything
is a new thing, each time a first time—
he's adrift in wonder, the doctor
says—while you stumble along

staring at your phone. Where'd your new world go? the monk says
or you do. Either way, you feel bad
they had to cut down that old oak tree
but the stump's a good place to sit.

By:  Matthew Thorburn


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